Monday, June 3, 2013

New clinic building

Klinik Jubilee's current location is being re-allocated to the school, so we will be moving across the yard to a new building. Brian and his Haitian construction crew have been working on it for about 3 weeks and here's how it looked at the end of May.
It's perhaps double the size of our current clinic, with a room for the nursing assistants, an exam room for the nurse, an office space, an extra exam room for procedures and visiting doctors, and a tiny bathroom and lab annex for handling urine specimens and rapid HIV tests. Outside, there will be an open waiting area for our patients with a roof for sun protection.
Our staff is excited about moving into the new space: excited about having better crowd control and patient flow, safer handling of lab specimens, and a building to truly call our own. I am excited to see their excitement. Oscar and Samuela have been outstanding employees and colleagues, eager to learn and eager to help. I have leaned on them, Oscar especially, for strength and encouragement many times this year and it has been rewarding to see him do the same when hard times have arrived. There is a bond that comes from experiencing death with someone and both Grace and I share that bond with Oscar. We will never be able to express our gratitude for him and Samuela in words but maybe a gift of a new clinic will give voice to some of what we feel.

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