Saturday, May 24, 2014

Student teaching

One of my dreams has been for my students to hold community health teachings for patients while they wait outside the clinic. This year, I was able to see that dream realized.  
My most recent group of adult community health agents surprised me with their willing spirit, their eagerness to learn, and their passion for all things medical. So as a final assignment, I separated my 17 students into 3 groups and instructed them to prepare a simple lesson on high blood pressure, diabetes, and yeast infection.  

Each Monday morning, I met a group at the clinic and the students gave their little talks to the 50+ patients waiting for to be seen at clinic.

They shared their knowledge. They answered questions from the crowd. They encouraged good habits and offered suggestions to change bad habits.
The only glitch was when one of my slightly know-it-all students told the patients never to drink Coca Cola because it destroys red blood cells. I had to intervene at that point with a little correction.

When each group's Monday had passed, we met one final time. "Miss Keziah," they began, shyly. "Would it be OK with you if we did those teachings every week? If you give us more topics, we'd really like to keep teaching."
So if you want to visit Jubilee, make sure you come down early on Monday morning so you can see my students teaching people how to live healthy and avoid acid reflux, anemia, asthma, obesity, constipation and so much more. Thanks to them, I can cross another item off my bucket list.  

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