Sunday, May 31, 2009

Good-bye to my good students

The day before I left Haiti, I threw a Good-bye Miss Furth/Happy Birthday Djamina and Ricky/The Freshmen are Super Amazing Party at Quisqueya Christian School. I've substitute taught there occasionally over the course of the year and the class that I have gotten to know the best is the 9th grade. They are an exceptionally polite, fun, and tightly unified class. I loved teaching them. And even when my subbing jaunts were over, sometimes I would go to the school in the afternoon when I was done with clinic to play soccer with them. One third of the class also attends youth group at my church, so I got to know those teens particularly well. These are missionary kids or children of the upper class, so they don't have the physical needs that are common to most people I encounter in Haiti; instead, they struggle with the same kinds of issues that face American teens: eating disorders, rebellion, crushes, frustration with parents, temptation to abuse drugs and alcohol, etc.

One of my students, Kevin, gave me a going-away gift. It was very appropriate to my age and interests. It was a baby doll. A baby doll that came with a pink cell phone and glittery cell phone case. Thank you, Kevin!

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