Friday, September 21, 2007

Excited or scared?

I am a loud-mouth. Everywhere I go, but especially in my nursing class at Northeastern University. It seems like I'm always the one answering questions, offering points of view, running study sessions, and asking the professor for favors on behalf of the whole class. At least once a week, I find myself in the front of the room addressing all 80 students. Needless to say, everyone knows me. So they all knew that I had been in Haiti, and when I got back, they all swarmed me, asking questions and talking about how cute my photos of the kids are. And within 2 weeks of classes starting, they were asking whether they could go to Haiti with me. I passed it off at first as typical college student enthusiasm that doesn't amount to anything, but they kept at me until I agreed. Today, I announced a potential trip for December and passed around a sign-up sheet, hoping for maybe 6 people.
25 people put their names on the list! 25!!! I was shocked, touched, and then a little guilty. I can't take 25 people to Haiti! Especially since I won't be there ahead of time to arrange things like beds, food, water, and transportation. So I discussed with my co-leader, Emily, and we have decided to chop it down to 10 students. The game-plan is to go down after our finals on the 13th and stay until the 23rd. We will spend the first half of the trip at a hospital or clinic, either Mother Theresa's hospital on Delmas 31 or the children's tuberculosis hospital on Delmas 40, and then we will just be at the orphanage, doing some health education with the young people in the neighborhood and playing with the kids. I think I'm crazy because it's going to involve so much work and so much supplies and so many $250 days with the tap-tap... but they are so gung-ho about it! And to be able to expose these girls to the Third World, to Christianity in a place where the people have nothing else, to see my kids again without having to put my medical career on hold - I think it'll be good. Actually, I think it'll be great, but I'm so scared right about now that the great and the petrified are balancing out to "good".


Angela said...

Wow, Kez, How totally exciting!!! Praise God as it certainly seems he is moving on the hearts of others through using YOU! I sure hope to see you in Haiti. If it's time for us to pick up Stephanie, Jude, and Lovenie will you guys make a little room for us? ;)

I can't wait to hear your updates as the trip draws closer but even more I can't wait to hear how it changes the lives of those who go with you! How will you ever choose the 10 from the 25????

ange said...

Well Kez, I am stoked for you!! I cannot imagine a better person to escort people around Haiti than you. I am super proud of you. Hey if you have a big mouth, God gave it to you for a reason right!!! I think you ROCK squirt.

The Williamson Clan said...

I think that is awesome, Kez! God has definately put you where you are for a reason...."For such a time as this." Your passion for Haiti is obvious in your writings, I can only imagine how much more so in person! lol. These students are in for a life changing trip.

Amy Brownell said...

Awesome!!!! I wish I could come too! Not that I have any medical expertise to add, but I'm a good grunt. I love reading all the details about your phone calls. I think that is SOOOOO important for them. I thank the Lord for sending you to the kids! You DO rock!
