Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Monday, Dec. 24th - Soccer practice

On Monday morning, Nikki, Byrn and I supervised soccer practice for the little boys. Usually, the older boys run them through about 40 minutes of drills and exercises before they let them play, but it had been so long since they had been allowed to play that we decided to just scimmage the whole time. Nikki, Bryn, Peterson and I took on Stev, Job, TiJude, Ernso and Monsanto (James was having his photo taken at the office so he couldn't play). They beat us soundly.

Injury on the fieldJob, ready to go, with his Christmas present from my team

Bryn and Stev fight it out

Keziah scored! Can you believe it?

Job and TiJude congratulating each other on some smooth passing

Bryn and Monsanto

Monsanto and Ernso before the game

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