Monday, November 3, 2008

Dancing with the toddlers

Casey is a dance teacher, so she has been doing dance classes with our older kids. My favorite is when she has them dance to a prayer - each sentence has a motion. For example, they twirl every time they thank God for something and they raise their arms every time they ask God to bless someone. It's adorable to watch them dancing around and hear them repeating after Casey, "Bless Mama Dorothy, bless Mama Tasha, bless Mama Kez, bless Mama Casey!" They even prayed for God to bless Mama Sam - what a great nickname for that 16 year old boy!

I am not a dancer and I generally hate dancing, but dancing with kids is a different story. I will dance with little kids for hours. Kevs loves it too and the kids are just over the moon to be getting special attention from so many "Mama's".

Copy and paste this link to see Gerty and Cha-Cha waltzing:
Now if we could get Gerty into our Belle costume and then get them to dance together...


Natasha Rae Jovin: lovex3 said...

oh how i wish i could be there.

i'm so glad you all our dancing.

love and blessings,

Anonymous said...

oh how i wish i was dancing with you...but so glad you are dancing...

love & blessings,